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Biological Soil Analysis

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Biological Soil Analysis Services for Farms & Agricultural Producers

Learn how your farm can cultivate healthier crops with our systematic approach to optimize your soil.

BioArva utilizes our experience and knowledge to deal with the origin of most farming production yield challenges. Plant disease is a sign that the soil lacks the advantageous microbes that inhabit healthy soil and plant surface areas. BioArva will help you to reintroduce live biology back to your soil. Our methodical approach is the time-tested, natural, and ecological solution that farmers of all scales of production need to implement to increase yields, reduce plant diseases, and more effectively utilize available water sources.

Our soil testing services are better understood in the broad context of what we help farmers to achieve:


Step 1 - Soil Testing & Soil Enhancement Strategy

We test your soil to identify the baseline microorganism and soil fertility levels. Once we have the results of your soil test, we will development strategy to improve your soil conditions to support biological soil life.

Step 2 - Application of the BioArva Soil Analysis Rejuvenation Strategy

The primary function of our soil testing services to identify what is needed in order to facilitate a soil environment beneficial to the lacking microorganisms. Once we understand what is lacking or an excess, then we create a hospitable environment for vital micro organisms to live in your soil by the development of customize regional plant and animal materials to be applied to the soil.

Depending upon the details of our working agreement, we can educate and train your personnel to produce and apply biologically-complete compost.


Step 3 - Ongoing Testing of the Soil & Adjustments

Our process is an ongoing and dynamic process to rejuvenate soil. We will regularly test your soil biology in order to monitor the results of our efforts. The goal is to create a soil environment that is hospitable to all of our targeted micro-organisms. That said, not all microorganism groups will colonize at the same rate.

For this reason, we need to do ongoing testing to identify the microorganism groups that are developing rapidly and those that are developing slowly. As we identify this, we adjust our mix of biologically-complete compost being applied to the soil to facilitate the best growth for all of the colonies.


We Are Here to Help Local Farmers Create Sustainable Soil Solutions

Solutions that BioArva Offers as Local Soil Health Experts

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Our Process

In most cases, our comprehensive soil analysis and restoration service follows a variation of this sequence relevant to the property in question.

1. Testing

We will conduct a soil test as a starting point for our strategic soil restoration plan.

  • Test your soil to determine microorganism presence and fertility levels
  • Based upon soil test results, define a strategy to improve soil conditions
  • Coordinate strategy with a timeline of activities that works with seasonal and management schedules

2. Application

We create a locally-derived blend of biological inputs for the microorganism profile.

  • Locally produce the soil food web microorganisms to be applied to your soil
  • Educate staff how to manage biologically complete compost
  • Monitor the biological inputs being applied to soil in conjunction with proposed timeline

3. Analysis

We measure results and adapt to soil biology changes by making scientific adjustments.

  • Routine soil biology testing to monitor the health of microorganism colonies
  • Monitor farm activities to see if microorganisms are being affected by activities
  • Continued input and analysis activities to ensure all soil food web organisms are optimal

Learn How We Can Help Your Soil Maximize Crop Yields, Naturally.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Should I Only Consider Soil Analysis Near Me?

Once a soil test is complete, a soil sample tells you about the soil characteristics. Before planting a garden (this applies to a private home garden just as much as commercial agricultural production) one should get as much information as possible on the soil type, pH, amount of nutrients needed and so on.

Soil Color and Contents - The color of the soil also plays an important role in determining the growth of the plants. Different colors of soil have different fertilization requirements. For example, red clay soils are extremely rich in nitrogen, but they also need a lot of lime to make them more soluble.

So it is advisable to only choose such clay soils when the area one wants to grow plants in has iron deficiency and the nearby area has good iron supply. Or when I have decided to plant plants in an area where there are already a lot of plants growing. For instance, I might not want to grow in a place where there are plenty of plants in which case I will need to get advice from arborists before I plant.

Soil pH - This plays an important role in regulating the plant growth. Plants need specific pH levels to grow well. So I should take soil pH and other soil properties into consideration when planning where to plant my garden. Soil pH should be in the range of 5.4 to 6.5. If the soil outside is alkaline and the soil below is acidic then the plants will only thrive in medium pH levels which correspond to the area outside and not below it.

What Does a Soil Analysis Lab Do?

The analysis of soil is the process of determining the quality and type of soil and other elements in a particular location. This is usually conducted on the part of a laboratory. The primary aim for such test is to find out the suitability of the place for the cultivation of a crop or a farm to be grown in. It helps in protecting the future crops from getting affected by harmful insects and even on providing the right kind of environment for the growth of the plants by ensuring that the nutrients are there. A soil lab not only tests the suitability of a place for cultivation, but also tries to provide with solutions related to increasing the fertility of the land.


A soil analysis lab performs a variety of functions after taking a soil sample like determining the amount of potassium, the acidity or alkalinity in the soil, the percentage of nitrogen, the percentage of magnesium, the percentage of iron and the amount of manganese in the soil. After the test is performed on the soil samples, you can get the recommendations for altering the soil or you can suggest to add certain natural elements into the soil to increase its nutrients. Soil analysis labs provide all the assistance that is required to determine the suitability of the place for cultivation. There are a number of companies which provide soil tests and soil lab services. Soil tests have become popular these days because of the importance of proper soil management for crop cultivation.


We can conduct Soil Analysis tests at farms, agricultural production centers, or even home gardens intended for personal use. We can analyze the quality of  soil and thus determine the type of plants, trees, vegetables or flowers that can be grown. We can use the Soil Samples you send us for commercial purposes - or for your own personal research. We help you analyze the quality of soil, and this is a perfect method to test the suitability of a location for cultivation. Our soil analysis labs can help you understand what needs to be done with your soil to make a personal garden or commercial crop area a suitable place for cultivation.

What is Included in Basic Soil Analysis?

A soil test can be done for a variety of reasons, but the most common reason is when someone has an idea that their soil might contain a certain type of disease or bacteria that could be detrimental to their plants. Many farmers are able to save themselves tons of money on seed money by doing their own soil testing before planting, and this soil sample can also reveal if there have been any major changes in the soil that could harm the growth of the plants. Even if someone just wants to know what's in their soil, it can save them a lot of time and trouble by doing a soil test at home. There are many kits that can be purchased, which will have all of the tools necessary to perform a thorough soil analysis. But if you're really curious about the subject, then it would be wise to talk to a few soil scientists or consultants who could help you determine exactly what's in your soil and determine if you really need to test it or not.


Some things that are considered "normal" in your soil may include a pH level, nutrient content, and even the amount of water that's in it. But knowing the complete makeup of your soil can reveal much more information, including such things as the amount of SSA (Saturated Suspension) that's in your soil, the amount of potassium and calcium that's in it, and even the amounts of iron, manganese, and zinc that are in it. All of these can affect how well your plants will grow and whether or not they'll survive or perish. And learning about the soil makeup can help you make the proper adjustments to your garden or landscape design to ensure that you get the most out of your soil.


What is Farm Soil Analysis?

If you're a farmer who grows your own products, it's important to know what is farm soil analysis. There are several reasons for this, one of them being that the nutrient and pH levels in your soil can be radically different from those found in outside soil, especially if you're growing things like alfalfa for feed. The other reason is that your soil may contain varying amounts of nutrients depending on whether it's been sown or not, and how it was mixed when it was harvested. This information is extremely useful for people who grow plants, because they'll know exactly what kind of nutrients their crops need, and how much of those nutrients have been added.


One of the first things that a company will test for when you submit a soil sample for analysis is pH, or the acidity level in your soil. Alkaline soils are the most plentiful on the planet, and are found mostly in mountainous areas. In fact, if you're in the United States, alkaline soils account for more than 90% of the topsoil in the country. Because of that, it's very important that you keep your pH levels high, or else you'll have a difficult time growing anything, let alone growing an industry based on agricultural produce.


The other test that the testing company will conduct, aside from checking for nutrient levels in your soil, is to make sure that there are no obstructions in the soil before it can break down the nutrients properly. So even if you aren't growing alfalfa, you still need to make sure that your fields aren't blocked by rocks or other obstacles, because such obstructions will prevent the plants from accessing the water and air they need to grow properly. The test that a good testing site will conduct is one that takes into account both of these factors and will alert you to any problems so that you can address them right away.

Can I perform my own soil analysis?

The ability to perform your own tests and soil analysis is the ability to save you time, money, and a lot of stress when it comes to managing your own garden. The reason why so many home gardeners are turning to the internet to find out information on how to perform your own soil testing and soil analysis is because it can be difficult to find a local expert that will actually be able to perform a full soil test and analysis on your soil.

There are so many different kinds of tests and analysis that are available on the internet that it can be difficult to know which one to choose. Another reason why so many home gardeners are choosing to do their own soil testing and soil analysis online is because it allows them the flexibility to not only find out how your soil is doing but to also have the option to purchase an entire soil testing kit if you so choose to.

Soil quality can play an important role in how well your plants can grow and survive. Choosing the right kind of fertilizer can really help your plants grow and produce healthy and strong fruits and vegetables. Many people perform their own soil analysis in order to find out what kind of fertilizer their soil needs in order to grow, thrive, and produce healthy and beautiful flowers and vegetables.

If you don't already know how to test your own soil for nutrient levels then it is time that you learned how to do so. Knowing what nutrients your soil should contain is the key to growing crops that are able to survive and thrive in your own backyard garden.

When you learn how to test your own soil you will also learn how to easily and accurately determine what kinds of fertilizers and other organic substances you should be adding to your soil in order to help your plants grow the best they can. Soil quality can vary greatly depending on where you live, the condition of your soil, if you have sandy soils, wet soil, high or low soil PH or excessive soil amendments being used.

Soil analysis can be performed by most people fairly easily and usually fairly inexpensively. Performing a test is a great way to find out what kinds of fertilizer application or organic substances are needed in order to grow crops that are healthy and strong.

How to a take a good soil sample?

It is very important to learn how to a take a good soil sample, and get the results back to analyze the quality of your soil. One of the biggest mistakes that gardeners make is to try to take a soil sample from their own soil. This is because many companies will send you a soil sample and then say that it is the best soil for your garden, and it should be sent back. What they do not tell you is that they took the sample and sent it back. Before you accept anything as being your soil, you need to know how to a take a good soil sample.


The way to a take a good soil sample is to take a sample of the top soil on your garden soil. The reason why you need to do this, is because you want to compare the quality of your soil with the samples that other companies have sent you. If the other samples look extremely similar to your soil, then you are probably going to get a similar result. After you take the sample, place it in a cup, and take some air bubbles with your hand. By doing this, you can determine the oxygen content of your soil.


You would use a sample card to determine the percentage of oxygen content in your soil. The sample card is made of two pages, the first page has an Osmocote layer with various percentages of black in it. On the second page, there is a percentage of oxygen content. If the percentage of oxygen in your sample is greater than or less than 10%, then it is a good sample. If it is close to the ideal percentage, then it is not a good sample.

What is covered in a soil analysis report?

In industries that utilize soil analysis, a soil scientist or soil specialist will receive samples of the topography, slope and structure of the soil and within those samples will search for what is covered in a soil analysis report. This is commonly known as a field test. A report from such a field test is what is called a final soil test report. It will also have a final rating from the gemologist or mineral examiner as to the quality and type of the "covered" soil.


There are many factors that can be considered when rating the quality of a field test report. One such factor is whether or not the sample is a true representation of what is covered in a soil sample. If the field test report indicates that the soil contains a lot of sand, but really does not cover the area necessary for mining and other similar activities, then the gemologist or mineral professional should rate it as "fair", but if the field test report indicates that the soil contains a large amount of clay, but the area is good enough for good farming, the professional may rate it "very good".


An important factor in what is covered in a soil analysis report is whether or not there is an accurate report of the tester's findings. If the final report indicates that mining should be done, for example, then the actual tester's findings as reflected in the final field test report must be accurate. Otherwise, the report would be rated as "inaccurate" and the professional would have grounds for a case against the landowner.

Does BioArva Do Lawn Soil Analysis?

Yes, we would be glad to help. Our soil testing and then soil restoration services can help you to dramatically reduce the amount of water your lawn requires.

What is Soil Analysis for Agriculture?

The scope of what is soil analysis for agriculture is vast. This is because, as opposed to crop rotation or forage production, which are processes that require little soil structure analysis, intensive cultivation techniques such as that of modern tillage require a lot more in the way of soil structure and composition in order to sustain the productivity of the farmers. Also, since crops rely heavily on the underlying soils' physical makeup, any changes in these fundamentals can spell disaster for the agriculturist. As such, soil sampling is a pre-requisite for any analysis of soils before any adjustments in crop rotation or other agricultural practices can be made. Also, soil testing is a pre-requisite for evaluating the quality of the crop one is trying to grow in the soil.


Agricultural research has become a lot more detailed over the years as a result of this information available on soil testing and analysis. Soil analysis for agriculture involves a variety of tests, many of which have been standardized, and many of which are based on different methods. The most common soil analysis test performed on an annual basis is the moisture content test, which determines the moisture content of the soil and thus its fertility. Micro-organisms analysis is another common form of soil analysis for agriculture, in which the various bioactive substances like soil minerals, trace elements, and nutrients are evaluating using laboratory techniques. The chemical composition of the soil is also studied using specific analyzers for soil testing, apart from its physical aspects.


Soil analysis for agriculture not only determines the quality of the soil itself, but also provides valuable information on the various microorganisms that can exist in it. Thus, it helps the farmer makes the most of his or her soil and utilize it in the most productive manner possible. Soil analysis for agriculture is therefore an extremely important process, which is often neglected by the farmers. It is up to the farmers to keep themselves well-informed about how their land can be better utilized with the help of proper testing and analysis.

Will Biological Soil Analysis Help My Crop Yields?

Lately, farmers have been wondering if using biological soil improvement programs can improve the crop yields they get from their land. In a variety of studies, scientists have proven that by using specific types of bacteria and fungi in the soil, it is possible to dramatically increase the production levels of a specific type of crop. In the past, there have been studies that have shown how increasing the number of microorganisms in the soil can greatly affect the crop's development. However, until now, there have been no studies that have looked at whether or not this type of treatment can also have an effect on the yields of different crops.

Although much of the analysis used in this study was done on the type of soil and not on the crop variety being tested, the results showed a very strong effect. According to the researchers, the two primary factors that were associated with the yield differences were the amount of microbial diversity in the soil and the extent to which the crop experiences inputs such as nitrogen and phosphorus. Nitrogen and phosphorus are both essential for plant growth and development; however, they are found in very small quantities in most soils. Increasing the amounts of these two essential nutrients in the soil will, in turn, increase the amount of productivity. The soil analysis also showed that the treatment had a highly positive effect on the commercial crop fields they tested, with the results showing increases in productivity up to 40%.

According to the researchers, the soil analysis technology they have developed allows for the analysis of soil that is especially rich in microorganisms without having to test samples of traditional soil. Samples of traditional soils need to be tested in order to determine if they contain the right amount of microorganisms in order to determine if the application of the selected fertilizer would indeed be effective. This method of analysis has the potential to reduce the time spent on testing different crops to determine the correct fertilizer. It is also hoped that the results of the soil analysis will allow for faster implementation of any necessary modifications to the agricultural landscape.

How to Start Your Soil Analysis Services?

"How to find good soil testing services near me" for a soil analysis report is a common question for farmers. The first option is to do it yourself and start taking soil samples. However, if you do decide to go ahead and do the soil testing yourself, you might spend more time studying how to do it and buying the equipment than the actual process takes a prepared expert.

If you want to start soil testing today, just contact us and we can help you get started!

What affects plant health?

Agriculture is a significant part of human history, with the impact of what affects plant health often being far-reaching and long-lasting. It has been said that one of the major factors in the creation of the Industrial Revolution was the need to make crops more productive at the time; this of course lead to the development of new breeds of crops, which in turn helped to transform farming and the agricultural industry.

Today, agriculture continues to be one of the largest sources of employment and wealth for America, but one thing that has also benefited from advances in science and technology is the fact that it has helped to improve the nutritional quality of food and the production of foods in a safer and more efficient way.

A related field is what effects plant health, and in particular what impacts it can have on the structure of the plant's immune system. This type of research has provided an enormous amount of knowledge about how and why various stresses can increase the severity or even result in the death of a plant. Many of the answers that come from a simple soil sample have been about the actions of predators and insects, and a great deal of work has been done to develop and implement methods that can reduce or eliminate the damage these activities can cause.


The essential nutrients in agricultural soil

Soil that is deficient in some of the most important nutrients, namely calcium, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus, will not grow very well. Soil that is too rich in these minerals is known as "calcium-rich soil". Similarly, soil that is lacking in potassium is called "potassium-rich soil".

Soil that lacks both of these essential nutrients is referred to as "magnesium-deficient soil". It has been found that most of the nutritional needs of human beings can be met if the proper amount of these two minerals are added to the diet. Agricultural scientists have developed a process known as soil nutrition, by which the correct combination of nutrients can be added to the soils of a field, to make them more beneficial for growing plants.

Soil which receives an adequate amount of nitrogen will help in the growth of high quality crops. At the same time, soil which does not receive an adequate amount of these important nutrients will not grow very well either. Agriculture relies heavily on nitrogen and phosphorus, which are the two main nutrients in agricultural soil.

Scientists have developed several different types of soil farms, in order to increase the amounts of these two vital nutrients in the soils. But there are many questions that remain unanswered when it comes to analysis of a soil sample, regarding the true nature of the nutrient content of various types of soil, and how it can be influenced to improve the yield of the various crops grown in different fields. Experts are of the opinion that proper fertilizer application is the only way through which soil can be enriched.

Soil amendments happen to include the organic and inorganic elements that have been mixed into soil to achieve a better soil constitution. The most common and most helpful of soil amendments is the time-tested addition of natural, organic compost.

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